Types Of Injections For Knee Pain

CortisoneCortisone, or corticosteroid shots, are administered into the knee joint to reduce inflammation, says Knee Pain Info, an information website posted by doctors an physical therapists. These injections are typically given to individuals with severe knee pain that is accompanied by significant swelling of the knee. Relief from the injection can last for days to months, with reduced effectiveness with each successive shot. The risks of cortisone shots that Knee Pain Info lists include increased articular cartilage breakdown and a small possibility of infection or allergic reaction to the shot. Some individuals north face outlet in berkeley experience a flareup of swelling in the first few days after an injection; this can be controlled by antiinflammatory medication. The fluid is similar to synovial fluid, which is naturally found in the knee joint and acts as a shock absorber. This injection is usually given to individuals with osteoarthritis who are experiencing pain and have not experienced relief with other treatments. These injections are given once a week for three consecutive weeks. These injections contain an agent that triggers the inflammation process in the the north face online outlet body, which is part of how the body heals itself. The injection places this substance in a contained area, causing localized inflammation, which then triggers the healing process. New collagen is formed and it tightens the ligament that was injected with the substance. According to the website, this procedure is best for knee pain or injuries caused by weakness in the ligaments or tendons. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web sitemany of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies.